We Offer

Yang-style Long Form T’ai Chi Qi Gong T’ai Chi weapons Push Hands Martial Arts applications Sitting and Standing meditation Chin-Na Curriculum

T’ai Chi fees:

We meet twice a week for regular classes. Also every other Sunday advanced students meet for push hands study group and martial arts applications. Fees are $60 a month.

-Sifu Scott Bray

“T’ai Chi is a tool through which one can be in contact with the natural laws that surround us.  Slowly, one can come to understand that the human body is a receptor for the energy the heavens, earth, and environment have to offer.  The channeling of this...

– Bill Burnette

“The learning is continual… The growth is essential. Through T’ai Chi Chuan and Sifu Scott Bray, I have learned to relax, and be better prepared to enjoy life as it expresses itself.”

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