Scott Bray DOM, L.Ac

Natural, Safe & Effective
Alternative Medicine

Legacy Place Suite 109
10967 Lake Underhill Rd.
Orlando FL 32825


T’ai Chi For Health and Self Defense

Level 1 Class Outline

I) Warming-up Exercises and Stretching

II) Breathing Qi Gong Exercises

1) scoop

2) sunrise, sunset

3) push forward and back

4) block breathing

5) reverse block breathing

6) Ba Duan Jin

III) Basic Elements of good stances and related concepts

1) Full and empty concept

2) Pelvic tilt

3) Back straight and head suspended

4) Foot to hip, waist, shoulder, arm and hand relationship

5) Offset stances

6) Knee follows the toe

7) Rooting

8) Dan-tien concept of motion

9) your space concept and symmetry

10) Ground path

11) Silk reeling

12) Discussion on 10 principles

IV) T’ai Chi / BaGua

1) Yang Style long form

2) 8 palm change linking form

3) Any other T’ai Chi form after acquiring 2nd level

4) Two man form

V) Pushing Hands

1) straight

2) 3 level

3) rocking

4) double handed

5) ward off, rollback, press and push

6) combination

7) 4 corners

8) free style (pushing hands sparing)

9) stick push hands (long and short)

10) T’ai Chi circle push hands

VI) T’ai Chi Sword

1) double edge

2) dao

VII) Sitting, standing meditation and Qi Gong

1) inner smile

2) small & large orbit circulation

3) Wuji standing meditation

4) Ba Duan Jin

5) T’ai Chi Qi Gong – silk reeling

6) Qi lei (taped guided Qi Gong)—not required

7) T’ai Chi Circle

8) T’ai Chi ball

VIII) Different ways to practice

1) weidan

2) neidan

3) imaginary opponent fighting

4) workout form (fast or very low stances)

5) letting go form

6) slow form

7) Jing form (power issuing)

IX) Two man martial arts applications

1) understanding Peng, jings, coiling, emitting, receiving etc.

2) The 13 postures and eight palm changes will be experimented with.

* 5 to 10 applications per posture should be learned or developed.

X) Meridian theory

1) Conscious applications of qi according to traditional Chinese medicine incorporated into martial arts.

After completing the above qualifications an instructor level 1 will be awarded.

*Advance students should help instructing classes.

Level 2 (martial arts medicine seminar is a prerequisite)


  • Twelve meridian and extra, point location


  • Projection and channeling of Qi


  • Chin-na and Dim mak applications as applied to the forms


  • previously learned


  • Advanced Martial applications of the postures


  • Training devices to develop better fighting skills


  • Herbs and antidotes


  • Bone marrow washing

*After completing the above qualifications an instructor level 2 will be awarded. At this point the student should start teaching his own group.

Levels 3 and 4

Upon continued training and teaching of 5 years each after level 2 and upon discretion of Sifu Scott Bray.

Rules & Instructions

1) Arrive to class on time

2) Keep talk to a minimum

3) Respect the rules of the dojan

4) Pay your fees on time. (fist class of the month attended to)

5) Black T’ai Chi outfit should be worn


These are the best way to gather as a group and share information on different aspects of training.

As our organization grows the need for these will become greater.

The home Dojan in Orlando will hold 2 to 3 seminars a year for a small mat fee per person half of

which will go to Aikido Tenshinkai of Central Florida (only when seminars are held there). The same will apply to seminars outside the home Dojan. Every instructor from T’ai Chi for Health and Self Defense is expected to attend with their students that are qualified for the particular content of the seminar. Please keep informed by login into “”.

Training for Advanced students and instructors

Push Hands sessions are held every other Sunday morning (call to confirm). Also Chin-na and martial arts applications will be experimented with on those mornings.

Stay Updated!

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